Space for Planet Earth Challenge Briefing – Wellington

Victoria University, Kelburn Campus Wellington, New Zealand

Come and join the founders of SpaceBase to learn about the latest Space for Planet Earth Competition. Special Guest: To be announced The Challenge Using satellite data, in combination with other data sources, help develop scientific methods to identify target areas of methane emissions on Earth. Apply and you could win up to NZ$25,000 in cash and mentorship support. The Challenge is open to university/startups and secondary school students living in New Zealand, Australia, Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Submit a proposal for a chance to participate in the online space incubator. Proposals are open for submission 18 May – 31 August 2023. APPLY NOW! At Event will be at LB203 at the Kelburn Campus, Victoria University, Wellington


Space for Planet Earth Briefing – Auckland

Come and join the founders of SpaceBase to learn about the latest Space for Planet Earth Competition. Special Guest: Chris Jackson, Head of Space Operations and Ground Segment at Te Pūnaha Ātea - Auckland Space Institute (University of Auckland) The Challenge Using satellite data, in combination with other data sources, help develop scientific methods to identify target areas of methane emissions on Earth. Apply and you could win up to NZ$25,000 in cash and mentorship support. The Challenge is open to university/startups and secondary school students living in New Zealand, Australia, Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Submit a proposal for a chance to participate in the online space incubator. Proposals are open for submission 18 May – 31 August 2023. APPLY NOW! At Event will be at Mission Operations Control Centre at the Auckland Space Institute, University of Auckland


Space for Planet Earth Briefing – Noumea (also online)

ADECAL TechnopolePôle Innovation, Incubateur et Accélérateur d’Entreprises InnovantesStation N, Rue du Commandant Babo, Nouméa 98800, Nouvelle-Calédonie ADECAL Technopole Pôle Innovation, Incubateur et Accélérateur d’Entreprises Innovantes Station N, Rue du Commandant Babo, Noumea, New Caledonia

Venez rencontrer les fondateurs de SpaceBase pour en savoir davantage sur la dernière édition de leur Challenge Space for Planet Earth. Invité spécial : À déterminer Le défi : En utilisant des données satellitaires, en combinaison avec d'autres sources de données, vous pourrez contribuer au développement de méthodes scientifiques pour identifier les zones cibles d'émissions de méthane sur Terre. Participez et vous pourriez gagner jusqu'à 25 000 dollars néo-zélandais ainsi qu'un soutien en mentorat. Le défi est ouvert aux universités/startups et aux étudiants des écoles secondaires résidant en Nouvelle-Zélande, en Australie, aux Philippines et dans les îles du Pacifique (dont la Nouvelle-Calédonie). Soumettez une proposition pour avoir une chance de participer à l'incubateur spatial en ligne. Les propositions peuvent être soumises du 18 mai au 31 août 2023. CANDIDATER MAINTENANT ! Sur Cet événement se déroulera à la Station N à Nouméa, ainsi qu'en ligne. Les détails seront partagés lors de l'inscription. ----- Come and join the founders of SpaceBase to learn about the latest Space for Planet Earth Competition. Special Guest:  TBD The Challenge Using satellite data, in combination with other data sources, help develop scientific methods to identify target areas of methane emissions on Earth. Apply and you could win up to NZ$25,000 in cash and mentorship support. The Challenge is open to university/startups and secondary school students living in New Zealand, Australia, Philippines and the Pacific Islands. Submit a proposal for a chance to participate in the online space incubator. Proposals are open for submission 18 May – 31 August 2023. APPLY NOW! At This event will take place at Adec'al Tecnopole, La Station N in Numea as well as online. Details to be shared upon registration.


Space for Planet Earth Challenge Briefing – Suva

Online Event

To help you prepare your application and find potential teammates for the Space for Planet Earth Challenge, we invite you to join the next briefing. In this session, you will hear from the grand prize winners of last year’s Challenge - Yadrava Na Vanua from Fiji - who will share their insights and updates on their project. You will also learn more about the challenge experience and process, and have a chance to ask questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to get inspired and informed. Register now and spread the word to your networks!


Space for Planet Earth Challenge Briefing – Tauranga

Online Event

Do you have an interest in sustainability? A curiosity to mitigate climate change? Satellite technology? Data-analysis? Do you love design thinking or problem solving? Or are you simply space curious? If any of the above resonate with you, we encourage you to come and join the Priority One team and the founders of SpaceBase to learn about the latest Space for Planet Earth Competition. Emeline Paat-Dahlstrong, the CEO and Co-Founder of SpaceBase, and Eric Dahlstrom, CFO and Co-Founder, will join us in person to talk through the SpaceBase challenge. The Challenge Using satellite data, in combination with other data sources, help develop scientific methods to identify target areas of methane emissions on Earth. This challenge invites teams to develop tools to help in the global effort to monitor and control methane emissions, and directly contribute to the fight against climate change. Apply and you could win up to NZ$25,000 in cash and mentorship support. The Challenge is open to all. Inclusive of startups/new teams, university students and secondary school students living in New Zealand. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided Priority One proudly supports this event in alignment with our strategic pillars of sustainability, innovation and youth development in the Western Bay of Plenty. 


Fly Me to the Moon

Online Event

In celebration of Moon Day and the 64th Anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landings, this session is back on popular demand. Several governments and companies have plans to return to the Moon and ideas for lunar bases housing hundreds of people are being developed. The NASA Artemis programme initial Captone Mission was also launched by Rocket Lab in NZ ushering in a new era of Moon exploration and settlement. Join Eric Dahlstrom, CTO of SpaceBase Limited (former NASA space engineer, astronomer, and consultant who has worked on spacecraft design and space science for 35 years) for a look at what we’ve learned about the Moon since Apollo, and what you might experience on a visit to the Moon!


Ask the Space Expert

Online Event

Connect online with us to hear about exciting pathways to a career in the space sector. From your classroom or your home, you can book into any of the digital sessions. Join SpaceBase CEO and CTO and the Australian Space Discovery Centre for a session on space and the current Space for Planet Earth Challenge 2023. The sessions last 45 minutes each, starting at 2pm (ACDT). We will be hosting our sessions on Microsoft Teams, however, you do not need a Microsoft Teams account to take part. For more information, visit


Road to GEC 2023: Going to Space to Help Earth

Online Event

Join SpaceBase CEO on this GEC 2023 Session on Space.  See info below: How can the pursuit of space solve complex challenges on Earth? Join a panel of experts as we explore barriers and opportunities for government, research, private industry, philanthropy, investors, innovators, and entrepreneurs in exploring space for Earth's benefit. Add your voice to the conversation as we unpack questions including: What contributes towards a competitive and sustainable space-focused industry innovation ecosystem? How can all businesses be involved in the space sector? What is the role and contribution of government policy and industry bodies? What are practical ways to support space development by incubators, accelerators, investors, and those supporting innovation and entrepreneurship? Join Space industry leaders in an interactive session as we define Space challenges and opportunities in a topic that has the potential to Transform your World. Panelists include: Xavier De Kestelier - Head Of Design at Hassell Stephanie Wan - Associate Director, Space Industry Lead at KPMG Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom - Co-Founder & CEO at SpaceBase Limited The session will be facilitated by Dr. Chad Renando, Managing Director of Global Entrepreneurship Network Australia and Research Fellow (Innovation Ecosystems) with the Rural Economy Centre of Excellence at the University of Southern Queensland, and Thomas Gooch, Founder and CEO at Office of Planetary Observations. This session is part of the Road to GEC series, where we capture challenges and opportunities to engage the 4,000 delegates attending the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Melbourne, 19-22 September 2023.  These sessions provide a global overview through an Australian lens of the key challenges that affect us all and the solutions that will transform our world.


Space for All on Earth and Beyond – The Space 18th SDG Panel (New York)

Hybrid Event

SpaceBase is part of the global coalition to propose to the UN General Assembly an 18th UNSDG on Space for All on Earth and Beyond.  SpaceBase CEO will be participating in the hybrid panel on 15 September (16 Sept for NZ) in New York. The Space 18th SDG Panel – September 15 2023 United Nations General Assembly 78th – 5-29 September 2023 777 United Nations Plaza, 11th Floor Conference Room, New York, NY 10017 Module #01 – introducing the Space 18th SDG – hybrid – 9:30 Module #02 – discussing and motivating the Space 18th SDG – hybrid – 10:30 Module #03 – discussing and motivating the Space 18th SDG – virtual – 14:30 Module #04 – amending and voting the final recommendation on the Space 18th SDG – virtual – 16:30Register here


Global Entrepreneurship Congress (GEC 2023) – Beyond the Karman Line (Melbourne)

Melbourne Convention Centre

SpaceBase CEO paticipates in the GEN-Space session at the annual Global Entrepreneurship Congress. The Global Entrepreneurship Network Space vertical focuses specifically on enabling the success of space startups and entrepreneurs around the world.  This year's summit is hosted in Melbourne, Australia. Register to attend.

Space for Planet Earth Challenge 2023 – Leveraging Satellite Data to Address Climate Change (Team Announcements)

Online Event

Join us for the announcement of the Space for Planet Earth Challenge 2023 Incubator Teams from across the Pacific region. Learn about how the competition is addressing climate change, the incubator programme, and the teams that will embark on finding solutions for the challenge. Special guest is Santosh Sheshadri, Head of Technology at Orbica Ltd. He will demonstrate the Orbica's Geospatial Analysis Platform that will be available to the Challenge teams in the incubator. Orbica Geospatial Analysis Platform This event is made possible in collaboration with the Auckland Climate Festival.



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