At the 73rd International Astronautical Congress in Paris, SpaceBase presented a paper on:
Catalyzing Space Industries: Lessons learned from New Zealand on building entrepreneurial space ecosystems in developing and emerging countriesThis summarises our lessons learned and activities over the past five years helping to catalyse a space ecosystem in New Zealand. Overall, we have utilized over twenty different methodologies and have ranked each one according to effort and impact. We also presented findings from running our ecosystem building training workshops in different regions, harnessing insights from participants in over forty countries. It is our intention to share these lessons globally, making New Zealand an incubation nation for space activities and an ideal testing ground for the rest of the world to emulate. You can read the paper here.
Author: EPaatDahlstrom
Space entrepreneur, global change maker, and aspiring exponential innovator. Emeline is Co-Founder and CEO of...